Two Candidates for Best Male Celebrities to Crush On Celebrity Families in the News

Two of my favorite male celebrities have been in the news surrounding their families in the past couple months for very different reasons. Chris Martin and Ms Paltrow are getting uncoupled . Roger and Mirka Federer just welcomed their second set of twins into the world. Chris has the Mega celebrity actress wife versus Roger's former tennis professional Earth Mother wife. Ms. Paltrow has celebrity parents (her mom was Will's mom on Will and Grace). I loved her in The Royal Tenenbaums…quirky character, but not so much more recently with Robert Downey Jr in the Iron Man franchise…if they could have developed her character around the violent display she showed at the end of Iron Man 3 then she might have been more interesting and likeable. Chris Martin and Roger Federer are superstar sweethearts. Super nice guys. Chris Martin is one of my favorite musical artists. If I ever get to meet him I'd like to compare my favorite artists with his. I just have a feeling he might ido...