#BMWNRD : another new web handle for me. Thank you Facebook :)

I Love Love Love my car. But it is the end of an era. It won't be the same if I get it pimped out, but that might be my best and favorite alternative. But that isn't how I got my new handle. I have Facebook to thank for that. I love Facebook...most of the time. I appreciate it when they police me because I figure they must be doing it for my own protection. As in they catch a lot of crappy stuff going on on their site. Some of my Facebook friends may have noticed that I went to work in my real estate business and sent out invites to my www.facebook.com/laurenhowardrealestate page today. While I was doing that one of those are you a real person security things popped up and guess what the little ditty you have to type was? You guessed it. I am Lauren Howard aka @alfasunshine aka #BMWnRd I Love Facebook


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