#AgnieszkaRadwanska vs #VenusWilliams #RogersCup FINAL TODAY

Watching Venus Williams play her last two matches made me very emotional. I am overwhelmed with joy. Seeing so many tennis players struggling with the exhausting game and elite competition is an entertaining aspect of the professional game...it is what sets it apart from the recreational level of play. Believe me I have played through injury and illness with my regular weekly play with my ladies group. I have watched Venus beat Carla Suarez Navarro and Serena this week. I'm weeping like a baby. I've watched her struggle through losing to new girls that are nearly a decade younger than her the past 2 years. She is so strong and complete. She is playing like she's going to be number one again if she can manage her health and body in the joy of the sport and profession that she embodies. It is stunning, and gives me hope an just seeing her fitness is extraordinary. It makes me appreciate vitality in myself and everyone else. Aga, Aga, Aga....how in the hell!!???!! I thought Sabine Lisiki was going to mow her down. Makarova...I want to compare her to Dementieva, but she has to be her own woman. How in THE hell?? Both of those girls are in high form...granted Sabine is a bit of an airhead or sumthin, but Makarova is unflappable and Agnieszka flapped her good. I hope she can make a good show with Venus. It's going to be popcorn worthy unless Venus mows Aga down...the popcorn might now be done popping before Venus is done if Aga can't break Venus. Venus is going to break Aga at least 3-5 times...I won't count...I'm just sayin...Let it roll!


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