#MilosRaonic vs #FelicianoLopez RIGHT NOW at #RogersCup

The first time I saw Milos Raonic he immediately reminded me of my friend Bradford. Brad is 6'5 and super fit...he also wears a lot of designer clothes and has a really famous sister. When I was taking pictures of Milos he was one of the players who actually took notice and posed a bit. I knew he was going to be a star and since then following him on Facebook has been exciting. Feliciano Lopez is one of my favorite players because when I was volunteering at UCLA for the first time in 2010 I kept crossing his path and then followed him to take photos. If Feli knew I was there I don't know it. Feliciano Lopez is one of the most gorgeous tennis players ever, but that doesn't make his game any less fierce. It's fun to see Milos and Feli playing RIGHT NOW in Toronto from my beloved couch.


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