
Showing posts from December, 2017

#JustinBieber - #LoveYourselfLyrics The Moment I Became 'That' Mother In-law.

Youtube isn't going to be leaving #MyFireStick after this month.  They had the nerve to announce it to me on my birthday...If I was on my phone I would not be using a very happy emoji right there.  I don't care why Amazon and Google made this agreement or lack there of...but I was just getting into a great habit of my favorite updates on my subscriptions on YouTube...personal programming optimized for me!!  Isn't that the point?  I love my firestick...I watch Netflix on a family plan and Hulu....what tennis programming I can get between 3 or 5 networks to see a live match...Oh man now I have started.  TV is one of my great passions.  As hard as it is sometimes I love my personal programming.  I suppose getting used to watching Youtube on my fire stick tv set up isn't necessarily optimal as my internet on it kind of sucks...It just never ends does it?